We’re excited for you to try our Legiit Dashboard. This amazing tool will help your business stay organized and help increase your productivity.
Let’s start with setting up your 1st ever campaign.
Log in to your Legiit account and then click on the Dashboard button as shown in the picture below:
- Step 1 would be to key in your business website URL. You can choose between http or https, whatever your website protocol may be to be followed by your website domain.
- Step 2 would be setting up a Campaign name for your dashboard. It can be anything related to your website that you want to use to refer to your campaign.
- After setting up your campaign name, you will proceed to Step 3 which is choosing your business goals.
That’s it! Your Legiit dashboard should be ready.
For help or questions, please contact help@legiit.com or open a support ticket at this link here: Submit a ticket : Legiit Support
Thank you for using Legiit to get more stuff done!