Facebook, TikTok and Hootsuite

I have several questions, all about Social Media Marketing.

  1. I have a private and a business facebook account. More than 1 year ago I made a mistake with a new account.
    I wanted to advertise a special offer on amazon and wanted to earn from the affiliate link.
    This seems to be against the facebook rules and my account was partially blocked. Since then I can not make any advertisments anymore. I even paid now meta premium but no chance. I dont get it back.
    For a new FB business channel it would be very important to do advertisement.
    Do you have any suggestion what can I do?
    They dont check it, because I am not verified.
    I needed to verify to get the premium, but this verification seems not to help to get another check.

  2. TikTok: I started a TikTok Account and got around 1k views on each of the first videos. After one week, my new videos have got not just one single view. Am I shadowbanned? What can I do?

  3. Is there another good option to hootsuite?

  1. This is tricky because they tend to track IP, Mac and payment method etc… I will defer to others on this.

  2. I’ve had similar experiences on TikTok I feel like they do that to hook you and then pull the rug out. TBH I’ve never cracked the code there either.

  3. Publer without a doubt. https://publer.io


Thank you Chris.

Yeah we realized, that meta is really tough by creating a new account.
It was directly shutted down afterwards.

The problem is, that I dont even get a chance to explain it to somebody.

In terms of TikTok it is important to know this, if you sell this to a new client, that has no TikTok, and after a few videos the views go down to zero. This is horrible.

Will try out Publer. Thanks.