Is dropshipping worth it in 2024?

I’m considering starting a drop-shipping business on the side. Is it still a viable and profitable business model in 2024?


As long as the product is good quality and the person shipping it has reasonable response time and return policy.


When hunting for a winning product for Shopify dropshipping in 2024, here’s what I’d look out for:

  1. Trend Watch: Keep an eye on what’s hot right now using tools like Google Trends and social media buzz. Timing is everything!
  2. Competition Check: See how crowded the market is. If everyone’s selling it, you might wanna rethink.
  3. Profit Margins: Make sure you can source it cheap enough to leave room for profit after all costs.
  4. Quality and Supplier: Always test samples. You don’t want to sell junk. Find reliable suppliers on AliExpress or Alibaba.
  5. Target Audience: Know who you’re selling to. Make sure the product fits their needs and interests.
  6. Marketing Potential: Go for something that looks good in ads, especially on social media. Eye-catching products do better.
  7. Uniqueness: Find something a bit different or customizable to stand out from the crowd.
  8. Shipping: Consider size and weight for shipping costs, and ensure shipping times are reasonable.
  9. Customer Demand: Use keyword tools to gauge demand. Check forums and social media for what people are talking about.
  10. Legal Stuff: Make sure the product isn’t restricted and complies with regulations in your target market.
  11. Scalability: Ensure your supplier can keep up as you grow and that the product can appeal to a broader audience.

Stick to these points, and you’ll be more likely to find a winner for your dropshipping store!


thank you!


perfect, thanks!


Yes. E-commerce and shopify SEO is killing it in 2024