Getting Clients Consistently as a Website Designer

Apart from freelance platforms that hosts hundreds, if not thousands of members who offers the same services as you.
Is there any special trick to get consistent website design clients??


I’d say…

The best thing you can do is constant marketing. Especially video marketing when it comes to web design.


Start by answering this question…

Why should someone buy from you versus someone else?


Networking with people in your industry - for example, a photographer, graphic designer, printer - these types of people also come across business owners looking for developers. Also get into your local community business networks - attend some meetings being authentic and being physically there to talk about your services, present in front of other business owners really helps spread the word about your services.


That is very truth, video marketing with amazing portfolio works amazing


More thorough answer…

First thing I would do is figure out an industry to target and focus on that.

  • Become THE company when that industry needs web design.
  • Learn all the little details about it such as the terminology they like to use, what they don’t like and so on.
  • Then break it down even further from there.
  • Create a customer avatar.

What I mean by customer avatar is create a fictitious person that represents your ideal customer… their age, gender, type of business, whether they are married or not, what they want, what they need, what type of pain they are in, and how you can take them from that pain state, to a happy state.

Once you have that all figured out create your funnel based on that.

From that information, you should be able to determine where they hang out online, which in turn will give you what type of traffic source to use to best reach them.

Some potential traffic sources are:

  • SEO… though this will take longer and isn’t really direct response.
  • Linkedin… best bet here is to provide content to build trust.
  • Google Ads… same issue with SEO but still useful
  • Content Marketing… blog posts, podcasts, Facebook groups/page, Instagram, Youtube and so on. Frank Kern calls this intent based branding.
  • Facebook or Linkedin ads… in my experience it works better to send them to an advertorial then it does directly to a sales page or an audit form.
  • Highly targeted, non spammy cold email campaigns… self explanatory.
  • In person marketing at networking events, chamber meetings, etc…
  • And don’t be afraid to straight up post on your personal Facebook and ask if anyone needs help with web design… you never know, and you shouldn’t be shy to promote your business.

Now you have a niche, an ideal prospect, and traffic sources.

Now you need a sales process.

  • Determine if you will get on a phone call, skype, in person, email etc… with them.
  • If they need to fill out any kind of form ahead of time
  • How you will have them pay, if you will have a proposal etc…
  • Make sure you have some sales training and some scripts you have down pat so you can close them.

Be obsessed with implementing this EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Schedule it out.

Spend 12 – 18 hours a day on it. It won’t take long to fill your pipeline and grow and scale your business.

I hope that helps.


Now this is in-depth and resourceful… I really appreciate your amazing response.

I believe video content marketing stands out, as it make prospects know you better and bond faster.
They gets to see the image “human being” behind the brand, hear your voice, how you look, how you talk, etc.

So I think video marketing and communicating skills on social media can do a lot of good…


Graphic designers play important role to grow a business. An image is worth thousands words :star2: